Simplified Perturbations Models

Simplified perturbations models are a set of five mathematical models (SGP, SGP4, SDP4, SGP8 and SDP8) used to calculate orbital state vectors of satellites and space debris relative to the Earth-centered inertial coordinate system.

which is a stochastic numerical optimization algorithm inspired by colonizing weeds. Many satellite applications use the NORAD Simplified General Perturbations model 4 (SGP4) for satellite position prediction. The input of SGP4 consists of TLEs which are published via NORAD freely through the worldwide web.

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Simplified General Perturbations 4 (SGP4) is a mathematical model used to calculate the position of a satellite(s) relative to an Earth-centered co-ordinate system.When given a two-line element (TLE) that describes the current position of a satellite, SGP4 can be used to calculate the future position of the satellite (this is called propagation).

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SGP4 is a term commonly used to refer to both SGP4 (near satellite) and SDP4 (far satellite) models. Simplified Deep Space Perturbations (SDP) models apply to objects with an orbital period greater than 225 minutes. The original SGP model was developed by Kozai in 1959, refined by Hilton & Kuhlman in 1966 and was originally used by the National Space Surveillance Control Center (and later the United States Space Surveillance Network) for tracking of objects in orbit.

TLEs contain a specific set of orbital elements, whereas the simplified perturbation models are used to propagate the state vectors at a given time. By comparing the corresponding Keplerian elements derived from both methods, a satellite’s maneuver is identified. This article provides an outline of the working methodology and efficacy of the method.

In order to obtain the appropriate level of model fidelity, it will be necessary to determine the types and relative magnitudes of the forces acting upon the satellite. For our orbital model, these include the gravity of the earth along with perturbations due to the nonuniform mass distribution of the earth, gravitational attraction of the sun, moon, and planets, and atmospheric drag. Which of these forces are most important will depend not only on their relative magnitude but upon whether their effects are periodic or secular.

The simplified perturbations models (and SGP4 in particular) are used extensively by space agencies and industrial actors to predict the path of active and defunct satellites, debris, and space junk, in order to assess the risk of collision and plan avoidance manoeuvres accordingly. Each tracked item is represented by a two-line element (TLE).

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